Horary Pages

Welcome to this collection of historical horaries. Below is a list of horaries that may be of interest to you.

Glossary of Terms

The Aphorisms of William Lilly , provided by Clive Kavan

John Partridge (1679): The Qualities of the Planets

Richard Ball: [On the Application of Aspects – Coming to Perfection] (1697)

Ebinezor Sibly: QUESTION 1. On the LENGTH OF LIFE (1790)

Ebinezor Sibly: QUESTION II. On the FATE of a SHIP at SEA (1790)

Ebinezor Sibly: QUESTION III. Of an ABSENT SON, whether DEAD or ALIVE (1790)

Ebinezor Sibly: QUESTION IV. On the PROSPECT of RICHES. (1790)

Ebinezor Sibly: QUESTION V. On the Success of a JOURNEY (1790)


Ebinezor Sibly: QUESTION VII. On a CHANGE of SITUATION (1790)

W.J. Simmonite: Of the time of erecting a horary figure (1851)

Charles Hatfield: A Horary from 1891

Edwin Casael: A Job Horary (1893)

Edwin Casael: Three Horaries (1893)

Edwin Casael: Two Partnership Horaries (1893), Part 1

Edwin Casael: Two Partnership Horaries (1893), Part 2

Edwin Casael: Is the English nation the lost sheep of the House of Israel? (1893)

A Horary by Henry: Who shall I bet on, Harrison or Cleveland?(1893)

Horary Astrology and Divination, by Alan Leo

Alan Leo: A Personal Horary Example (1898)

A Horary from Astrolabus (1898)

Excerpt from: The Martial Art of Horary Astrology