Richard Ball: [On the Application of Aspects – Coming to Perfection] (1697)
Text Copyright 2007 J. Lee Lehman
Here, we quote from: Ball, Richard. 1697. An Astrological Compendium, or a Brief Introduction to Astrology. Leg & Star: Cornell. Astute readers will observe that this a after William Lilly: I am quoting it here for the interesting way that he classifies the different components of application. Notice, being a bit late in the Classical period, that some of the typical classical concepts are breaking down. The measure of separation is not whether the aspect is partile, but an arbitrary 6 minutes. Also note the assumption that the moiety is a measure of the “Rays” of the planet.
pp 48-50
Richard Ball
There are three ways in which Planets apply each unto other.
The first is, when a more swifter Planet overtakes a more ponderous one, as Mercury in 12 degrees of Leo, and Saturn in 6 of Scorpio; here Mercury being swifter in motion than Saturn is said to apply unto him by square.
The second is, When 2 Planets be Retrograde, as Venus at 8 degrees of Cancer, and Jupiter in 7 degrees of Virgo; here Venus applies to a sextile of Jupiter, by Retrogradation.
The Third sort of application is, when one Planet is Direct, and another Retrograde, as Venus retrograde in 8 degrees of Leo, and Saturn in 6 degrees of the same sign Direct; here Venus being retrograde applies to the conjunction of Saturn, who is direct: the first of these ways is good, the 2nd is a most malignant application; the 3rd is not good, nor is it so bad a signification. Note also, That the Superiour Planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are never said to apply unto any (unless they are retrograde) but the lessor or inferiour (as it is among Men) makes their application unto them.
Separation is when Two Planets are departed from each other 6 Minutes; as the Sun in 10 degrees 10 minutes of Aquarius, and the Moon in 10 degrees 10 minutes of the same sign, this now is a perfect Synod or Conjunction, but when the Moon shall come to be 10 degrees and 16 minutes of Aquarius (which is 6 minutes distant) then she may be said to be separated from the Sun, yet they cannot be said to be totally separated, until they be clear from each others Rays the half of their orbs.
Prohibition; of which there are two sorts, The First is when Two Planets are applying one to the other, but before they can come to a partial Aspect [note: did he mean “partile?”], another Planet swifter in motion, interposeth his Rays, and prohibites or hinders the application; as for Example, Saturn being in 10 degrees of Aries, and Mars in 6 degrees of Gemini, and the Sun in 5 degrees of Gemini, here Mars applies unto Saturn by a sextile, but the Sun being in 5 degrees of Gemini, and swifter in motion than Mars, prohibites Mars, and comes to the sextile of Saturn before him. The second sort of Prohibition is, when one significator is applying unto another by body or aspect, but before he comes to a perfect aspect, becomes retrograde, and so makes no application until one of those Planets are separated out of those Signs they were in, or apply to other Planets: Example, Suppose Mars in 6 degrees of Gemini, and Jupiter in 11 degrees of Aries, here Mars applies to a sextile of Jupiter, but before he comes to his true sextile, falls Retrograde, and so is prohibited, and this sort of Prohibition is termed Refrenation.
Translation of Light and Nature, is when a lighter Planet separates from a more weighty one, and presently joins to another more heavy or ponderous, as Mars in 26 degrees of Leo, Venus in 27 degrees and Jupiter in 29 degrees of the same Sign; here Venus separates from a conjunction of Mars, and applies immediately to a conjunction of Jupiter, and so translates the Light and Vertue of Mars unto him, it is perform’d as well by aspect as Body; after the same manner.
Collection of Light is, when Two Planets are not in aspect one with another, but both cast their Aspects to a more ponderous or weighty Planet than themselves, and they both received him in some of their Essential Dignities.