CS302: Classical Studies in Gaming
The purpose of this Course is to teach not only the concepts of contest or warfare astrology, but to teach the research methods you will need to know in order to optimize your own model. Students will be provided with the Super Bowl data in the Microsoft Access database as a starting point.
Prerequisites: Horary 102 and Electional (201), or knowledge of classical method in horary and electional. An acceptable alternative would be the Diploma from the School of Traditional Astrology.
By the final session, the student should be able to make predictions of game outcomes at a rate at or exceeding 2/3 accuracy. To pass the Course, the work submitted must demonstrate a consistently high quality. Lessons may be submitted in either English or French, and may be submitted by e-mail, snail mail, or fax.
Lee has taught on-line at Kepler College for ten years. In her private courses, she takes that experience in cutting edge on-line instruction technology and applies it to a less academic and more practical setting. Her take on adult education? Strictly business! She won’t waste your time on exercises that don’t teach you how to do the method she is presenting. And that is the purpose of a teacher, after all – not to impress you, not to overwhelm you – but to give you an introduction to the material in a way that you leave the course better educated – which means not only knowing more about the material, but being able to ask questions, and explore more on your own.
But the real value of this Course is not the lessons, but the opportunity to learn from your own gaming examples. These become the subject for a mentoring environment where personal feedback accelerates your learning. This Course gives you the opportunity to work with Lee, not simply read Lee’s books and Course materials.
Syllabus for the Full Course:
- How to set up a Database
- Rules of Engagement: Querying your Files
- Lunation effects
- Malefics vs Benefics winning
- Home field Advantage
- 1st-7th pairs: comparing a model by planetary combatants
- Time of Day and its Effects
- Introduction to Probability Analysis as it applies to Games
- Designing a Model: Assigning Points
- 1st Game Charts & Key Players Solar Data
- Point Spreads
- The Gaming Master Piece
Items Provided:
- Microsoft Access database version of Super Bowls and chart file
- NFL main season and playoffs chart files 1989-1997
- Hockey playoffs chart files 1993-1997
Items Required:
- Microsoft Access 2000 or higher
- Astrology program that reads and writes Solar Fire chart formats. Sirius recommended.
- Microsoft Excel or Open Office spreadsheet (freeware)
Required Reading:
No additional readings over those required for Electional Course, except certain readings provided as part of the Course material.
Pay for course here:
Legalese: Lee’s courses are not substitutes for conventional university, college or vocational study, should you wish to acquire academic or legally-recognized credentials. |
Please note: if you are from overseas, and are having trouble with Paypal, please contact Lee: she can take your credit card directly.
2026 South Toe River Road, Burnsville NC 28714