Electional Pages

Welcome to this collection of historical electional material. Below is a list of itemss that may be of interest to you.

John Partridge: The Qualities of the Houses (1679)

John Partridge: On Elections – First Section (1679)

John Partridge: On Elections – Second Section, with examples (1679)

John Partridge: On Elections – Aphorisms (1679)

John Partridge: Hermes, his Centiloquium, or his hundred Aphorisms Rendred into English (1679)

John Partridge: Bethem, his Centiloquium, or his hundred Aphorisms Rendred into English (1679)

Alfred John Pearce: Chapter I on Electional: The Text-book of Astrology (1889)

Alfred John Pearce: Chapter II on Electional: The Text-book of Astrology (1889)

Alfred John Pearce: Chapter III on Electional: The Text-book of Astrology (1889)